06 Aug 2014
15 Games that can also be used as energizer and ice breakers in workshops or community trainings: 1. Meet my Daughter: to introduce group members at the beginning of the workshop and to create a relaxed atmosphere. 2. My Pass...
Tags: Game, Community Engagement and Accountability, Disaster Preparedness Games
05 Aug 2014
A fast-paced game on Climate Risk Management for crowd or auditorium settings. Participants take the role of disaster managers working together in teams (represented by rows in the auditorium or groups in a crowd). Each year, players must decide betw...
Tags: Game, Climate Change Adaptation, Community Engagement and Accountability, Risk Assessment
10 Aug 2020
Protecting the Blood Supply during Infectious Disease Outbreaks is guidance provided by the World Health Organization.
Tags: Guidance material, Communicable Disease, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)