27 Apr 2014
Visit the NRRC at: http://www.un.org.np/coordinationmech… Follow the NRRC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NepalDRR Follow the NRRC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NepalDRR Flagship 3 of the Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium (NRRC) is coo...
Tags: Video, Flood
02 Nov 2013
Case study about the youth of Sare and Kemo villages who have built a bridge to counter the problem of cut off access to each other during persistent flooding. One in a series of video case studies created by the Global Network for Disaster Reduction...
Tags: Case Study, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
19 Sep 2023
Tras años de trabajo basado en la comunidad, junto con un intercambio iterativo con actores gubernamentales locales, regionales y nacionales, el enfoque de las brigadas comunitarias de la Cruz Roja Mexicana ha sido reconocido formalmente por organiz...
Tags: Case Study, Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management