World Justice Forum IV | Disaster Relief: Improving the Legal Framework

Moderated by David Caron, Dean of The Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London. Panelists include David Fisher, Global Coordinator for the Disaster Law Program at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; Frank X. Neuner, Jr., Managing Partner at NeunerPate and Chairman of the Louisiana Public Defender Board; and Satoru Nishikawa, Director-General Audit at the Japan Water Agency.

The World Justice Forum brought together more than 550 global luminaries, business and nonprofit leaders, social entrepreneurs, development practitioners, journalists, military leaders, and legal experts from more than 100 countries to address critical rule of law issues related to economic development, technology, supply chains, women’s rights, freedom of expression, and more. The Forum was organized by The World Justice Project (WJP), an independent organization working to advance the rule of law worldwide.

The World Justice Project (WJP) is an independent, non‐profit organization working to advance the rule of law around the world. Our multi-national, multi-disciplinary efforts are dedicated to developing practical programs at the community level, increasing public awareness about the concept and practice of the rule of law, and stimulating government reforms. For more information, please visit

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