Flood Resilience Alliance: Informacija o projektu u Crnoj Gori

Obilne padavine, dugotrajne jake kišne serije, u trajanju od nekoliko dana uzastopno, u kombinaciji sa topljenjem postojećeg snijega u planinskim predjelima u određenom dijelu godine su meteorološki fenomeni koji su karakteristični za područje Crne Gore. Ovo dovodi do naglog porasta nivoa voda u rijekama i jezerima (naročito Skadarsko jezero) sa esktremnim hidrološkim parametrima, nakon čega nastupaju poplave koje nanose materijalne štete i ugrožavaju normalno funkcionisanje infrastrukturnih sistema.

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22 Aug 2013
Recognizing the need for cross-border collaboration for the benefit of the Rhine and of all waters running into the Rhine, the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) is comprised of nine states and regions in the Rhine waters...
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This report presents key insights and findings from a Comparative Review of The Pillowcase Project.  The study was led by Sustainability Frontiers and funded by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC).  Beginning in January 2016, the researc...
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