Operational Business Continuity Plan- Risk assessment Matrix

Use this Risk Assessment Tool to help in risk evaluation. It helps you calculate risks quickly by identifying the risks and weighing the potential damage. This makes it easy to prioritize problems.
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Guidance material
06 Apr 2023
CBRN emergencies are among the most alarming threats facing the world today. In modern warfare, there is increased risk of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons exposure and of nuclear emergencies due to damage to nuclear pow...
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Guidance material
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You are probably interested in this guide because you are working in disaster risk management (DRM). Because you’re curious, concerned, committed? Good. The Nature Navigator is for you. It aims to inspire, to guide, to trigger, enhance and enable a...
Tags: Guidance material
Awareness material, Guidance material
10 May 2020
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