The aim of this report is to contribute to increased knowledge of what loneliness means to children and young people, and how we as a society can help prevent it. By putting into words what for many is still perceived as shameful, we hope to be able ...
Other type of resource
The Universal First Aid App was established in 2012, designed to be a 3-Phase rollout (pilot, scaling, run-and-maintain). GDPC has been well into Phase 3 for several years and is looking toward the future of the FA app, as both the needs of RCRC nati...
Assessment or evaluation, Report
The purpose of the report is to draw attention to the indirect consequences the covid-19 pandemic on the humanitarian needs in Norway. The Norwegian Red Cross wants to better understand how the covid-19 pandemic has affected and created new or change...
Other type of resource
This publication is a thematic note on children growing up in low-income families, and its consequences. The thematic note was used for advocacy purposes ahead of the 2021 national election.
There are children and youth in Norway who lack predictable, adequate, or safe housing. Some might face risks of domestic violence, struggle with substance abuse, have mental health challenges or live in poverty, the background of these young people ...
Menon Economics has developed a method for the Norwegian Red Cross to estimate the monetary value of the work of Red Cross’ volunteers in Norway during 2019 – a volunteering account. The volunteering account covers 63 national activities with mor...
In the context of a rapidly urbanizing Asia Pacific region, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is increasing, leading to bigger risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of cha...
Report, Research
Early warning systems (EWSs) have traditionally focused on collecting and analyzing hazard data to produce warning messages that help inform stakeholders of impending disasters and when, where, and how to initiate response activities. Social construc...
Guidance material
The Road Map to Community Resilience via EVCA provides step‑by‑step guidance on how to operationalise the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Framework for Community Resilience using the EVCA process. It will help ...
Awareness material
Shqipëria është një vend që preket shpesh nga përmbytjet, reshjet e dendura dhe infrastruktura jo adekuate kanë rritur ashpërsinë e përmbytjeve gjatë 15 viteve të fundit kryesisht në zonën veri-perëndimore dhe jug-perëndimore ( konkre...