Guidance material
L’approbation de vaccins contre le Covid-19 par les autorités de réglementation laisse espérer que la phase aiguë de la pandémie touche bientôt à sa fin. Pour que ces vaccins soit le plus efficace possible, il convient de les distribuer de m...
Guidance material
News letter from the Global Advisory Panel (GAP) on Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD) February 2021
Guidance material
A review was carried out by IFRC from March to June 2020 on the contingency planning process at the National Society level. To respond to the major findings of the review and on the requests from National Societies and IFRC/Partner National Societies...
Guidance material
This is the latest guidance from WHO with regards to maintaining a safe and adequate blood supply and collecting convalescent plasma in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
How much do you know about COVID-19? Let's put your knowledge to the test! Read each statement carefully and decide if it is true or false. After thinking up your response, flip the card to see if you got the correct answer. Let's go! 1. Hand saniti...
Case Study, Video
Urban preparedness – The role of public spaces in informal settlements in building community resilience and Cohesion Presented by Andrea Panizzo, EVA Studio Watch the Webinar Recording
Informal Networks for Disaster Risk Reduction Presented by Rocio Carrero, Project Lead Researcher University College of London – UCL City Leadership Lab February 14, 2017