Guidance material
Testing is a critical component of epidemic response, as it allows public health authorities to identify both individual cases and emerging hotspots of COVID-19, and to rapidly implement effective epidemic control measures such as isolation and treat...
Guidance material
Esta guÃa proporciona explicaciones de los tipos y fiabilidad de los diferentes tipos de pruebas y estrategias. Su objetivo es informar la toma de decisiones efectiva por parte de las Sociedades Nacionales involucradas en las pruebas de COVID-19, o ...
Guidance material
Les présentes orientations exposent les différents types de tests et la fiabilité de chacun d’entre eux ainsi que des différentes stratégies de dépistage. Elles sont conçues pour permettre aux Sociétés nationales participant ou envisageant...
Most of the world’s cities have spent considerable time and effort enhancing their resilience against a whole host of threats and risks, particularly relating to climate change, extreme weather events and rising sea levels. But until now, the poten...
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a profound impact on the regional dynamics of migration and mobility, with profound health, social and economic consequences for the most vulnerable, including migrants, displaced populations and their communit...
Guidance material, Report, Research
Least Protected, Most Affected: Migrants and refugees facing extraordinary risks during the COVID-19 pandemic was officially launched for an external audience in Geneva today (10 September) by IFRC President, Francesco Rocca. Speaking to journal...
Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Guidance material, Manual, Report, Research
This IOM Migration Research Series paper offers an initial analysis of the specific ways migrants have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also presents the diverse measures which have been adopted in receiving and origin countries to prevent,...
Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Data set, Guidance material, Manual, Report, Research
Further to the UN Secretary General Brief focused on COVID-19 and People on the Move, we are pleased to bring to your attention the Policy Paper issued by IOM on ‘Cross-border mobility amid and post COVID-19’. Based on a re...
Guidance material
Guidance from the Inter-Agency task team to address HIV in humanitarian emergencies, in recognition that responding to COVID-19 will put significant pressure on already weak health systems, potentially resulting in serious disruptions in HIV care and...