Everybody has good skin, in many different shapes and colors. This activity card can help you talk about, appreciate, and take care of your skin!
Guidance material
Template Staff Health Guidelines for adaptation to the national context COVID-19. The document is available in English, French, Portuguese.
Guidance material
Local actors,3 including civil society organisations, government, and the private sector, as well as communities themselves (including displaced communities), are critical in every humanitarian operation, and even more so in the current context that ...
Training material
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that cities are at the front lines of this crisis and will be at the front lines of any similarly globalized crisis in the future. With these four webinars, we aim to unpack the fundamentals of responding to pand...
Guidance material
The Recovery Capitals (ReCap) project applies a Community Capitals lens to disaster recovery to increase understanding about the interacting influences of social, built, financial, political, human, cultural and natural capital on wellbeing outcomes....
Awareness material
Programmatic Guidance for Sexual and Reproductive health in humanitarian and fragile settings during COVID-19. The goal of this guidance is to raise awareness of the maintenance of essential preventive, promotive, and curative sexual and reproductive...
Awareness material
The overarching aim of this guidance is to ensure maternity care providers can deliver respectful and individualised antenatal care services that promote the safety of women, families and health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Awareness material
The impact on acute care services in settings with under-resourced health systems is likely to be substantial during COVID-19 impact. Maternity services should continue to be prioritized as an essential core health service, and other sexual and repro...
Awareness material, Guidance material
Scientific article about breastfeeding when COVID-19 positive
Awareness material
Information Note on Non-communicable diseases and COVID-19 developed by the World Health Organization.