This presentation was given by Ramon Ojeda on 18 October, 2019, at the CAP Implementation Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico.
This presentation was given by Elysa Jones and Norm Paulsen on 18 October, 2019, at the CAP Implementation Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico.
This presentation was given by Elysa Jones on 18 October, 2019, at the CAP Implementation Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico.
This presentation was given by Ian Ibbotson on 18 October, 2019, at the CAP Implementation Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico.
The International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies presents the report: The Cost of Doing Nothing, an analysis showing that if no urgent action is taken now, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance annually due to t...
Bad Statistic A bad statistic refers to the misuse of either useful or un-useful numerical data. The information provided to the reader misleads the reader in case he has no much information about the statistics. The reliability of statistics is cruc...
This short resource brings together the blended learning stories and experiences of seven National Societies in the RC/RC network practicing blended first aid training. Each case study highlights an element of the innovation that is happening in firs...
Guidance material
This Guide to Effective Blended Learning for First Aid Training is designed to help National Societies to consider if a blended learning approach, using the First Aid App, will help them to meet their training needs. It draws on academic research lit...
This presentation was given by Minghui Lyu on 18 October, 2019, at the CAP Implementation Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico.
Guidance material
The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) produced this Glossary to provide clarity and encourage common understanding and harmonized use of terms and definitions for cash and voucher assistance. Since the first version was produced in 2011, the scale and...