For the 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop in Mexico city, a list of speakers and their presentation topics, with short biographical sketches and portraits, is posted here.
Since 2015, the Federation Secretariat and American Red Cross (ARC) have been co-leading the Urban Collaboration Platform (UCP), with strong support from several National Societies (NSs), International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Global Disaster P...
Published by ODI/ALNAP, this Good Practice Review is structured into four chapters. Chapter 1, on context, sets the scene. It describes ways of seeing the city (there are many; this section presents three). The chapter then discusses four particular...
This video show case the process of city resilience coalition building process initiated by PMI (Indonesia Red Cross) and led by the local governments of cities of Ternate and Semerang in Indonesia.
The agenda of the CAP Train the Trainers session, 9 am – 4 pm on 16 October, is provided here. If you plan to attend this training, consider bringing your laptop PC for the CAP-206 lesson. That lesson is a hands-on exercise using the cloud-base...
A Letter to all WMO Members from WMO Secretariat announcing the 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop.
Guidance material
The Heatwave Guide for Cities from the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement offers urban planners and city authorities an authoritative summary of the actions they can take to reduce the danger of heatwaves, which are defined as a period of ...
This publication from ARUP aims to help host cities to further understand and improve their capacity to effectively manage rapid arrivals from displacement events by: Exploring what works in different contexts (initiatives that respond to the challe...
The United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is the flagship report of the United Nations on worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risk. The GAR is published biennially by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDR...
The List of Participants in the 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop is divided into three parts: Participants Affiliated with Governmental Organizations Participants Affiliated with International Organizations Participants Affiliated with Other Organiza...