RCRC Urban Collaboration Workshop, Beirut Lebanon

Since 2015, the Federation Secretariat and American Red Cross (ARC) have been co-leading the Urban Collaboration Platform (UCP), with strong support from several National Societies (NSs), International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) and the RCRC Climate Center. UCP aims to help the RCRC National Societies be better informed, better connected and better engaged in understanding and working in urban context.

The overall purpose of the workshop was to showcase existing practices and explore new ways to strengthen role and influence of National Societies in creating inclusive cities all around the world. The agenda of the workshop was designed to be interactive and participatory creating an open platform to share, discuss and explore ideas on a wide range of topics such as inclusive community resilience and disaster management practices; the role of RCRC National Societies in displacement and refugees in cities and expanding partnerships and coalition building in city resilience building. The participatory urban planning session familiarized the national societies with the city planning processes and the importance of allowing most vulnerable groups participate in decision making and spatial design processes.

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