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Preparedness for winter weather and response by National Societies in Europe and Central Asia
This briefing note outlines common winter weather hazards experienced across Europe and Central Asia, and the ways in which National Societies are pre...
Cities and climate resilience: reflections from the World Urban Forum 2024
Following the conclusion of COP29 this week, a critical area of discussion in climate mitigation and adaptation is the role of the urban context. Whil...
Dominica Building Resilience Through Community Early Warning Systems
Setting the Scene ​​​​​Dominica is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, the impacts of which have already been experienced wh...
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With a rich history spanning over a century, the Albanian Red Cross has been at the forefront of disaster preparedness and response efforts, from addr...
Picture this: A powerful earthquake strikes, and thousands flee to a gymnasium-turned-shelter. Instead of finding safety, evacuees face a new threat: ...
From earthquakes and floods to COVID-19 and population movements, the Red Cross of Montenegro plays a pivotal role in bolstering the nation's capacity...
Leading the way in strengthening community resilience, the Mexican Red Cross is at the forefront of impactful disaster preparedness and risk reduction...
The climate change coalition of Nacaome City, Valle, in collaboration with the Municipal Government and the Honduran Red Cross, is implementing climat...
Around ending of December to January month as a way of complimenting the achievements of the previous City-Wide Risk Assessment Tanzania Red Cross Soc...
Warming oceans and the El Nino phenomenon have caused some storms to gain strength far more rapidly than predicted. When communities are caught off-gu...
By Andrew C. Tupper & Carina J. Fearnley Early warnings have long been known to be vital for saving lives and economic pain when disaster threaten...
The Nature-based Solution for River basin and Coastal Risk Resilience Community program is applied harmoniously within the framework of Integrated Com...
The health and productivity of the workforce in Bangladesh is under increasing threat in a warming world. In this commentary, Lucia Letsch, Shouro Das...