Featured Stories
Pre-Financing Anticipatory Action: A Practical Guide for National Societies
Anticipatory action is expanding and being mainstreamed across the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. As National Societies add more Early Action Protocols (EAPs) and scale up their anticipatory action programming, developing an anticipatory action pre-financing strategy is essential to ensuring timely and effective implementation. The window for anticipatory action is a critical period when humanitarian organizations can act to reduce the impact of an impending disaster. To ensure timely action, funding is needed early in this window. However, financial transfer […]
Read MoreHow GADRRRES Strengthens Global Resilience in the Education Sector Through the Comprehensive School Safety Framework
Background Every child has the right to an education and should be allowed to learn in a safe environment. Worldwide, disasters, emergencies, shocks a...
Double Jeopardy: Addressing compound flood and heatwave events
Compound events, such as floods and heatwaves occurring in close succession or simultaneously, can interact in a way that creates more severe outcomes...
Preparedness for winter weather and response by National Societies in Europe and Central Asia
This briefing note outlines common winter weather hazards experienced across Europe and Central Asia, and the ways in which National Societies are pre...
Dominica Building Resilience Through Community Early Warning Systems
Setting the Scene Dominica is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, the impacts of which have already been experienced wh...
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Around ending of December to January month as a way of complimenting the achievements of the previous City-Wide Risk Assessment Tanzania Red Cross Soc...
Bangladesh’s southern coast faces frequent extreme weather events like cyclones, tidal surges, tsunamis, floods. Climate-induced risks disrupt the f...
As auxiliaries to national governments and as trusted partners, Red Cross National Societies around the world are involved in many disaster management...
The following story was written by Lena Kang, GDPC Knowledge Management Intern, based on the learning events and discussions at the inaugural HOT Summ...