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Preparedness for winter weather and response by National Societies in Europe and Central Asia
This briefing note outlines common winter weather hazards experienced across Europe and Central Asia, and the ways in which National Societies are pre...
Cities and climate resilience: reflections from the World Urban Forum 2024
Following the conclusion of COP29 this week, a critical area of discussion in climate mitigation and adaptation is the role of the urban context. Whil...
Dominica Building Resilience Through Community Early Warning Systems
Setting the Scene ​​​​​Dominica is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, the impacts of which have already been experienced wh...
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In 2024, the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, celebrated on the 13th of October, is focused on the theme of ‘Empowering the next gener...
It’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, so let’s discuss how we can make our communities safer and more resilient. Held every October ...
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in October 2021 the Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub launched the 2nd Urban Community Resilience Small Grants,...
As the world’s most disaster-prone region, people in the Asia-Pacific are four times more likely to be affected by weather-related disasters than in...
For the past two years, the Mexican Red Cross and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre have collaborated closely at the intersection of climate c...
On August 18, 2021, National Societies and RCRC Youth Volunteers from across the region gathered to discuss Red Cross Red Crescent opportunities and a...
As we witness the climate crisis, COVID-19, and an ever-evolving humanitarian landscape – understanding the urban context and enhanced urban resilie...
'Delay and pay, or plan and prosper', is the crystal clear message from IFRC Head, Jagan Chapagain and Andrew Steer, President and CEO of the World Re...
Tanah: The Tsunami and Earthquake Fighter A Mobile App Helping Kids Be Prepared! ‘Tanah: The Tsunami and Earthquake Fighter‘ is a disaster prepa...
The use of virtual reality simulations in a variety of training and pedagogical contexts is expanding, reflective of an upward trend in immersive tech...