
The Role of Businesses in Community Recovery

Business play a vital role in supporting community recovery following a disaster and maintaining operations during an extreme event is fundamental to community resilience. Businesses that stay open or reopen quickly provide much needed services and employment, without which communities cannot recover. For businesses that can, providing direct support to their community further deepens those […]

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Becoming Climate Resilient: An Executive Business Case for Climate Resilience

“We believe this [An Executive Business Case for Climate Resilience] is important because the business community can be more agile than governments. It can move quickly to assess risk, promote systems and technology, and set standards for resilience. It is also well positioned to advocate for resilience thinking because of its direct relationships with customers,

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Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership: post 2015 framework-private sector blueprint five private sector visions for a resilient future

There is a clear mutual interest for the public and private sectors to work together, as the private sector relies on the resilience of public infrastructure and services to conduct their businesses, and governments and communities depend on resilient business practices for a stable and sustainable economy. This Position Paper describes the Five Private Sector

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Changing the Game: How Business Innovations Reduce the Impact of Disasters

Set of case stuides from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation which explores how businesses are helping to reduce the impacts of disasters around the world. The report provides an interesting look at how companies and the Chamber of Commerce are seeing public-private partnership on disaster risk reduction. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 2014. Abstract,

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Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has put together a set of guides to incremental retrofitting strategies for a wide variety of building types. FEMA, 2003. FEMA overview of earthquake safety at work, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Office Buildings, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Retail Buildings, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Hospital Buildings, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of

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