urban crisis

Mass Displacement Host Cities and Urban Systems

This publication from ARUP aims to help host cities to further understand and improve their capacity to effectively manage rapid arrivals from displacement events by: Exploring what works in different contexts (initiatives that respond to the challenges that cities face); Exploring how city systems differ under pressure (including system actors, connections, assets, laws). Developing an analytical […]

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The Urban Amplifier: Humanitarian Action in Urban Crises

The European Commission’s Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) has taken stock of its funded interventions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its humanitarian response in urban environments. Based on an internal survey undertaken in 2017, this report highlights the wealth of experiences and good practices, and provides

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A review of evidence of humanitarian cash transfer programming in urban areas

The review highlights aspects of urban environments and vulnerability that can present barriers to effective implementation of CTP that must be taken into account during CTP design. However, the diversity of population groups, needs and vulnerabilities in urban areas make cash assistance an effective response modality for urban emergencies and certain characteristics of urban areas

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Humanitarian response to urban crises: a review of area-based approaches

In recent years there has been increasing interest in area-based approaches among humanitarian actors responding to urban crises. Through analysis of case studies, as well as available policy literature, this paper proposes that, in an urban context, area-based approaches have three defining characteristics: they are geographically targeted, and adopt a multi-sectoral, participatory approach. Area-based approaches

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