26 May 2016
Article by Pablo Suarex, who works with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, on unusual options for communicating climate risks and humanitarian work, including through collaboration with artists. Source: Pablo Suarez, 2016. Climate Risks, Art...
Tags: Awareness material, Climate Change Adaptation, Public Awareness and Public Education
11 Mar 2019
This report from the USAID-funded Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project examines efforts to better understand and manage the risks of extreme heat on human wellbeing, including the public health burden heat poses and the direc...
Tags: Report, Heat Wave, Risk Assessment
21 Jun 2017
Esta Política aplica a todo el personal de la Secretaría de la FICR, que incluye personal (empleados, personal local y personal en préstamo) y personas que no son empleados fijos (voluntarios, consultores y pasantes), así como cualquier otro indi...
Tags: Awareness material