DRR Awareness and Education Methodology Guide for SIDS
This methodological guide has been designed to support Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement practitioners—specifically project managers, coordinators, and volunteers—working in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR) education in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). These tools apply a community and school-based disaster risk management approach adapted to the SIDS context, in order to identify best practices and improve advocacy.
Since its creation in 2000, the Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform (PIROI) has placed particular emphasis on strengthening risk-related knowledge through awareness raising and education, risk governance, and community resilience building. This methodological guide therefore capitalizes on the experience of 18 DRR projects, benefiting more than 155,000 people, carried out in the South West Indian Ocean by the local National Societies (NS), with the support of PIROI. The guide aims to develop a culture of risk and participates in the dissemination of DRR practices, with the ambition to equip NS, RC/RC partners, NGOs, and other DRR practitioners operating within similar contexts. Ultimately, this guide will serve to strengthen the resilience of populations challenged by natural disasters and climate change.