GDPC Annual Event 2014


Innovation in Urban Disaster Preparedness

On Wednesday February 5, 2014 the GDPC is holding it’s second annual forum event to explore key topics in urban disaster preparedness and resilience.


Urban disaster preparedness is receiving more attention throughout the world and within the Red Cross and Red Crescent network as communities face increasing challenges in addressing disaster risks. Join us in exploring innovative approaches in urban disaster preparedness and wider resilience. The event will include discussion with academic experts and disaster management practitioners from Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Participants will also have an opportunity to network and learn about recent activities of the GDPC and the global Red Cross network.


You can follow the presentations and discussion via live video stream at and make comments through Twitter @PrepareCenter.

8:45 – 9:00 am

Welcome & Introductory Remarks

Rebecca Scheurer, Global Disaster Preparedness Center

9:00 – 10:00am

A Close Look at Hurricane Sandy: What did we learn about urban preparedness?

Peter Walker, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University

Erwann Michel-Kerjan, Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center

Kelly McKinney, Greater New York Region, American Red Cross

10:00 – 11:00am

Allure of the Alliance: Creative approaches to resilience partnerships

Nan Buzard, International Council of Voluntary Agencies

Loy Rego, Independent Disaster Risk Reduction Practitioner

Nathan Cooper, Global Disaster Preparedness Center

Barbara Larkin, Strategic Partnerships, American Red Cross

11:00 – 11:15am Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:00pm

Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Perspectives from the Philippines response

Introduction by Harold Brooks, International Services

Ian O’Donnell, Global Disaster Preparedness Center

Robert Banick, International Response and Programs, American Red Cross

12:00 – 1:00pm

Chartering New Ground: Success with urban risk reduction

Carrie Santos, International Response and Programs, American Red Cross

Charles A. Setchell, USAID Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance

N.M.S.I. Arambepola, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Daniel Urena, Americas Zone, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Diene Diouf, Haiti Assistance Program, American Red Cross

1:00 – 1:15pm

Closing Remarks

Roy Williams, Center for Humanitarian Cooperation


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