Women and Gender in Disaster Management

Gender perspectives: A collection of case studies for training purposes

This gender training pack is made up of 20 case studies collected for training purposes. The case studies are based on real situations and demonstrate the relevance and benefit of considering gender issues in Red Cross and Red Crescent core activities as defined in Strategy 2010 of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red […]

Gender perspectives: A collection of case studies for training purposes Read More »

Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide: Disaster Risk Management Brief

Abstract: Violence against women and girls (VAWG) has negative impacts on physical and mental health. Health care settings provide a unique opportunity to identify VAWG survivors, provide critical support services, and prevent future harm. Ample studies have shown that natural disasters, including tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, disproportionately affect women and girls, who are at

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Guidelines for Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings

The primary purpose of these guidelines is to enable humanitarian actors and communities to plan, establish, and coordinate a set of minimum multisectoral interventions to prevent and respond to sexual violence during the early phase of an emergency. While these guidelines focus on the early phase of an emergency, they also aim to inform and

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Gender in water, sanitation and hygiene promotion- Guidance note

Gender and diversity-sensitive water, sanitation and hygiene promotion initiatives lead to more equitable, effective and efficient programming for all members of vulnerable communities. This guidance note provides an overview of gender and diversity issues and practicalities to be kept in mind when designing water, sanitation and hygiene promotion programmes. The practical guidance presented here makes this a hands on tool to

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No Longer Silent: Women from Northern Uganda Demand Livelihood and Psychosocial Support

From http://www.witness.org | This video is about the stories of women from the Greater North of Uganda and their call for the Government of Uganda to uphold its commitments under the Peace, Recovery and Development Plan for Northern Uganda and the Juba Peace Agreements. Upholding these commitments will help provide Ugandan woman affected by this conflict with

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An Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Webinar

RECORDED WEBINAR – Amy Hilleboe of Catholic Relief Services: A practical resource for program planners and managers alike, Toward Resilience is designed around ten principles that highlight the needs of key vulnerable groups such as women, children, and high-risk communities and illustrate how disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation can be integrated successfully into

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Case Study: Striking Gender Balance to Build A Flood-Resilient Community

    Published June 2013   An estimated US$ 45.7 billion loss caused by the 2011 flooding crisis in Thailand well reflected Mrs. Mayuree’s view towards less-prioritized issue of flooding resilience and preparedness among local communities. To enhance resilience and sustainably reduce vulnerability of flood-prone province, local residents at Ban Ta Luang for the first time learned about disaster risk management skill

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Case Study: Getting the word out: Women emergency responders in Bangladesh pass message on, train others

In Bangladesh, histories of oral traditions have laid the foundation for community training in emergency response. A strong colloquial culture in folklore and story telling makes a compelling case why community training is practical and effective. In many cases, knowledge equates to power.   Within these traditions, women have a central role in passing on knowledge to others as provider and educator

Case Study: Getting the word out: Women emergency responders in Bangladesh pass message on, train others Read More »

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