Women and Gender in Disaster Management

A practical guide to gender-sensitive approaches for disaster management

  These guidelines are intended to help Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) incorporate effective gender-sensitive and inclusive approaches into their disaster management strategies when assisting communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. While the gender-sensitive and gender-inclusive approaches referred to throughout these guidelines address the […]

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Normative frameworks’ role in addressing gender-based violence in disaster settings

The problem of gender-based violence (GBV) in emergencies has recently received increased attention worldwide. The Humanitarian Exchange Magazine dedicated a whole issue on GBV in humanitarian crises.The International Committee of the Red Cross demonstrated its concern for sexual violence in armed conflict, launching a Special Appeal to strengthen its response in 2014. In non-conflictual emergency

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Leading Resilient Development: Grassroots Women’s Priorities, Practices and Innovations

“In the policy world, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and poverty reduction are each advancing within their own area. This publication shows how for grassroots women, building resilience to disaster and climate change is inextricably linked to advancing development priorities. It explores the links between disasters, development, poverty and gender-based inequality. This analysis is

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Gender Perspective: Working Together for Disaster Risk Reduction

This publication, facilitated by the UN/ISDR secretariat, serves as “an introduction to the importance of mainstreaming gender issues in risk and vulnerability reduction.” From its diverse collection of case studies, the report “showcases women’s valuable contributions to community resilience” while highlighting good practices and lessons learned in awareness-raising and capacity-building. Ultimately, this publication aims to

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Women and Gender in Disaster Management

Successful measures for disaster risk reduction and preparedness require the balanced and active participation of all genders and age groups. Gender roles and relations are critical but often ignored in disaster management. To be effective, practitioners should understand how gender affects vulnerability and risk to disasters in different societies. Stakeholders should also support women’s leadership

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Women’s Leadership in Risk-Resilient Development

This publication aims to shed some light on women’s capabilities to take leading roles in building disaster resilience. It features women as drivers of change in different socio-economic contexts, and under various gender conditions. While the examples portrayed in the publication present a broad range of approaches to women-led disaster risk reduction across humanitarian, environmental

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IFRC Strategy on Violence Prevention, Mitigation and Response 2011-2020

This Strategy has been prepared by the IFRC to provide specific strategic directions to National Societies and their federation to support the strategic aims and enabling actions of the IFRC Strategy 2020, as each one of them relates to violence prevention, mitigation and response. The current document observes the following structure:– Part 1 is an introduction

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Gender perspectives in disaster recovery

The following story was written by Lena Kang, Knowledge Management Intern, GDPC, based off an interview with Anjana Dayal de Prewitt, Senior Advisor, Community Mobilization at the American Red Cross. Women and resilience Bringing in high-level knowledge, technological know-how, and years of experience into long-term development initiatives, conflict zones, and disaster recovery is risky and

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