Urban Action Kit
The Urban Action Kit supports urban resilience activities in urban communities. It’s a quick-start, low-cost, DIY guide for local actors.
The Urban Action Kit supports urban resilience activities in urban communities. It’s a quick-start, low-cost, DIY guide for local actors.
Honduras se encuentra entre los primeros cinco países más vulnerables del planeta, según el índice de Riesgo Climático (IRC) que elabora cada año Germanwatch. Los efectos de los desastres impactan negativamente el desarrollo e incrementan la pobreza. En las dos últimas décadas, los desastres han ocasionado pérdidas y daños al país equivalentes a 5592 millones
Flood Resilience Alliance: Honduras Informe Nacional Read More »
En Costa Rica las condiciones de vulnerabilidad, como el incremento de población sin planificación, la mala distribución y uso del suelo, y el terreno montañoso y con pendientes pronunciadas, han provocado desequilibrios ecológicos de gran magnitud, en donde una de las consecuencias son las inundaciones devastadoras con desbordamientos súbitos. Los ríos La Estrella, Limoncito, Banano,
Flood Resilience Alliance: Costa Rica Informe Nacional Read More »
In Costa Rica, drivers of vulnerability such as unplanned population growth, poor distribution and use of land, and the mountainous and steeply sloping terrain have led to great ecological imbalances. One of the consequences is devastating flooding with sudden overflows. The La Estrella, Limoncito, Banano, Reventazón, Matina, and Pacuare rivers, in the Limón province, and
Flood Resilience Alliance: Costa Rica Country Briefing Read More »
According to the annual Global Climate Risk Index produced by Germanwatch, Honduras is among the top five most vulnerable countries. The effects of disasters negatively impact development and increase poverty. In the last two decades, disasters have caused losses and damages to the country equivalent to US$ 5,592 m. Flooding affects 14.8 percent of the
Flood Resilience Alliance: Honduras Country Briefing Read More »
On November 17, 2020 The IFRC launched the 2020 World Disasters Report, titled “Come Heat or High Water: Tackling the humanitarian impacts of the climate crisis together.” This year’s report is particularly important given that despite the significant and highly visible economic and human cost of the current COVID -19 pandemic, those pale in comparison
2020 World Disaster Report Published Read More »
Read about Heat Action Day 2 June 2024 Summary of Activities Resources developed by the RED CROSS RED CRESCENT Network. Heatwaves are among the deadliest natural hazards facing humanity. The threat they pose will only become more serious and more widespread as the climate crisis continues. While the effects of heat are more readily
The World Cities Report 2020 convincingly affirms that well-planned, managed, and financed cities and towns create economic, social, environmental and other unquantifiable value that can vastly improve the quality of life of all. Urbanization can be leveraged for the fight against poverty, inequality, unemployment, climate change and other pressing global challenges. In this regard, sustainable
World Cities Report 2020 Read More »
Most of the world’s cities have spent considerable time and effort enhancing their resilience against a whole host of threats and risks, particularly relating to climate change, extreme weather events and rising sea levels. But until now, the potentially devastating impact of a pandemic had not played a large role in collective thinking about planning,
Healthy Pandemic Resilient Cities Read More »
The Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force was established to determine how we can achieve a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This report sets out their collective vision for a green and just recovery and our shared principles for achieving it. We address the ambitious actions needed, together with examples from our
C40 Cities Agenda for Green and Just Recovery Read More »