Guidance material

COVID-19: RCCE Practical Guidance for Migrants, Refugees, IDPs

This practical guidance is designed to assist programme specialists to implement COVID19 RCCE activities for and with refugees, IDPs, migrants and host communities vulnerable to the pandemic. The guidance highlights key challenges and barriers faced by these people in accessing COVID19 health-related information and presents key considerations and recommendations for planning and implementing RCCE activities. […]

COVID-19: RCCE Practical Guidance for Migrants, Refugees, IDPs Read More »


Least Protected, Most Affected: Migrants and refugees facing extraordinary risks during the COVID-19 pandemic was officially launched for an external audience in Geneva today (10 September) by IFRC President, Francesco Rocca. Speaking to journalists in Geneva, President Rocca, said: “COVID-19 has been cruel for all of us. It has been catastrophic for migrants. They face even more restrictions in terms of accessing

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IOM Policy Paper on Cross-border mobility and COVID-19

Further to the UN Secretary General Brief focused on COVID-19 and People on the Move, we are pleased to bring to your attention the Policy Paper issued by IOM on ‘Cross-border mobility amid and post COVID-19’.   Based on a review of presently available evidence on migration and health-related impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the brief encompasses the short and medium term challenges and selected solutions for human mobility; possible and preferred scenarios for promoting coordinated and ‘healthy’ reopening of borders and lifting of travel restrictions, and longer term recommendations for migration and health policies in

IOM Policy Paper on Cross-border mobility and COVID-19 Read More »

COVID-19 and HIV in humanitarian situations: Considerations for preparedness and response

Guidance from the Inter-Agency task team to address HIV in humanitarian emergencies, in recognition that responding to COVID-19 will put significant pressure on already weak health systems, potentially resulting in serious disruptions in HIV care and treatment. Without ARVs, PLHIV are immunocompromised and may be at higher risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, and potentially

COVID-19 and HIV in humanitarian situations: Considerations for preparedness and response Read More »

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