
Beneficiary Communications

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement believes communities need and deserve to have information that affects their future, both before and after a disaster. As in everyday life, communities make decisions based on the best possible information available to them at the given time. Sharing useful information with affected populations in languages they understand, through […]

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Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit

Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit by UNDP Nepal Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 1), Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 2), Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 3), Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 4), Earthquake Safe Building Practices

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Earthquake Scenario of Kathmandu Valley

Visit the NRRC at:…Follow the NRRC on Twitter: the NRRC on Facebook: Nepal is prone to a variety of disasters. One of the major concerns is a large earthquake in the capital, Kathmandu. This risk requires a concerted effort from the Government and international/national partners in reducing vulnerability to earthquakes. The Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium

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TEDxKC – Patrick Meier – Changing The World, One Map At A Time

Maps have always been a source of fascination and intrigue. Today’s maps, however, can also help to save lives during disasters, document human rights abuses and monitor elections in countries under repressive rule. This presentation will explain how today’s live maps can combine crowds and clouds to drive social change. Patrick Meier is Director of

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