Urban Preparedness

Participatory Campaign Planning for Inclusive DRR Knowledge and Messaging in Nepal

The Strengthening Urban Resilience and Engagement (SURE) program developed a Participatory Campaign Planning (PCP) process to improve disaster messaging and increase awareness of disaster risks and mitigation measures among vulnerable groups in Nepal.  The project included a series of interactive workshops to determine which messages and means of communicating would most effectively reach each of

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Innovation for Economic Development: Brunei’s iCentre through the lens of global-local linkages, local buzz, and industrial policy

Innovation has been at the heart of economic development. Ever sinceJoseph Schumpeter published his landmark book “The Theory of Economic Development”, innovation has gradually evolved to become an essential subject looked upon by decision- and policy-makers as a source to enhance the competitive advantage of nations. Out of this realisation, decision- and policy-makers have placed

Innovation for Economic Development: Brunei’s iCentre through the lens of global-local linkages, local buzz, and industrial policy Read More »

Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Key Messages

In 2011, the IFRC published Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: a guide designed to help National Societies scale up their work in disaster risk reduction campaigning, partnerships and education. Alongside this guide, we carried out research on what activities are going on within National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, and within the wider

Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Key Messages Read More »

Urban Profiling in Vietnam

American Red Cross (ARC) country office together with Vietnam Red Cross (VNRC) has been implementing Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRM) Program, supported by USAID/OFDA funding since 2011 in Vietnam. Responding to increasing urban risk, particularly effects of climate change in cities, ARC and VNRC has agreed to shift the focus of the CBDRM program

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Urban Resilience in Asia Pacific: A Scoping Study for Red Cross and Red Crescent

IFRC Asia Pacific Zone has conducted a scoping study to map urban resilience initiatives in the Red Cross Red Crescent movement and beyond. The review looked at past and present knowledge and experiences regarding urban resilience to both provide an evidence base and prompt questions for thought and discussion at the Urban Resilience Think Tank meeting. The

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Future of Cities: Emerging trends and what they mean for Red Cross Red Crescent

In preparation for the IFRC Startegy 2030, the Solferino Academy consulted with over 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and external experts. The results were grouped into the nine futures thematic areas. While these are relevant to urban communities, this paper explores more specific trends shaping the future of our cities.

Future of Cities: Emerging trends and what they mean for Red Cross Red Crescent Read More »

Urban Resilience for Red Cross Red Crescent

You can find more detailed information about the Red Cross Red Crescent Urban Collaboration Platform here:  The Red Cross Red Crescent  Movement is at the forefront of assisting communities facing the growing risk of disasters, protracted crises and day to day stresses in cities. RCRC national societies are increasingly diversifying their programs and partnerships and innovating to

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Programmatic directions for the RCRC in building urban community resilience

Programmatic directions for the Red Cross and Red Crescent in building urban community resilience in the Asia Pacific Region This report provides guidance to IFRC in determining its role in urban disaster risk reduction. It also provides additional information, materials, tools, methodologies and approaches that can be included in the existing Federation DRR and response

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