Urban Preparedness

RCRC Urban Collaboration Workshop Nairobi 4-6 June 2018

The overall purpose of the Nairobi workshop was to increase the familiarity and knowledge of the RCRC family in building resilience in informal settlement areas in high-risk urban settings. The workshop was designed to be interactive and highly participatory with the following main sections: Presentations from external partners including UNHABITAT, Slum Dwellers International (SDI) and […]

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Houston and Hurricane Harvey: a call to action

This study – written by ISET-International, in collaboration with Zurich Insurance Group, and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center looks in detail at the Houston floods that resulted from Hurricane Harvey.  Based on interviews with impacted households and businesses, and with people involved in risk reduction, response and recovery at the city, county and state level, the

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Learning from the Ebola Response in cities: Responding in the context of quarantine

As part of ALNAP’s Learning from the Ebola Response in cities, this paper describes approaches toquarantine in urban Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. It focuses in particular on how humanitariansnavigated the context of urban quarantine, what worked and what didn’t and what can be learnt forfuture public health emergencies in urban contexts. This paper does

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Urban Webinars

Scroll down to watch the descriptions and video recordings of the webinars organized by the IFRC Urban Collaboration Platform on a variety of topics such as: Rethinking Urban Community Risk Reduction and Resilience while responding to COVID-19 The Coalition Building process for Urban Resilience Heatwaves in cities Nature-based solutions for urban resilience Urban migration and

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Promoting Disaster Resilient Cultural Heritage

 Cultural heritage is vulnerable to the adverse impacts of natural disasters, and climate change is adding to the urgency of addressing this challenge. Countries around the world are employing a variety of measures to safeguard cultural heritage against disaster risks, drawing on relevant conventions, policy frameworks, and guidance. To protect lives, livelihoods, and cultural heritage,

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The Urban Amplifier: Humanitarian Action in Urban Crises

The European Commission’s Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) has taken stock of its funded interventions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its humanitarian response in urban environments. Based on an internal survey undertaken in 2017, this report highlights the wealth of experiences and good practices, and provides

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Resilient: Zero carbon, risk-informed, sustainable

UNDP’s work in climate change, disaster risk reduction and energy (2015-2017) This report is comprised of 15 country case studies providing examples of climate action, disaster risk reduction and recovery, and sustainable energy. Each case emphasizes the integrated approach to these work streams and similarly, the linkages and benefits that each extends to the others. 

Resilient: Zero carbon, risk-informed, sustainable Read More »

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