Risk Assessment

Natural catastrophes 2013: Analyses, assessments, positions

Natural catastrophe losses in 2013 were dominated by floods. Detailed analyses have shown that protective measures can drastically reduce losses. For example, the June 2013 floods in Germany and neighbouring countries proved to be considerably less damaging than the flooding in the summer of 2002. In 2013, some 37% of overall losses worldwide from natural […]

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Estimation of Economic Damages Caused by Disaster: Event Impact Rapid Assessment and Disaster Scaling (EIRADS) Calculator

This study focused on the modification and application of Costing Model (CM) and it developed an Event Impact Rapid Assessment and Disaster Scaling (EIRADS) calculator. To check the workability, the calculator was applied to an incident that happened at Cherry Hills Subdivision, Antipolo, Philippines. The application yielded the Total Damage Cost of the Event (TDCE)

Estimation of Economic Damages Caused by Disaster: Event Impact Rapid Assessment and Disaster Scaling (EIRADS) Calculator Read More »

World Risk Report 2012

The WorldRiskReport (WRR) consists of an index, a priority topic and case studies. The index describes the disaster risk for various countries  and regions.The main focus of the report is on the threat from or  exposure exposure to natural hazards and the rise in sea level caused by climate climate change, as well as social

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Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a crucial component of disaster preparedness that helps organizations and communities identify potential hazards, analyze their potential impacts, and prioritize mitigation efforts. Purpose and Definition In disaster management, risk assessment refers to determining the nature and extent of disaster risks by analyzing hazards and evaluating current exposure and vulnerability. The main goal

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Urban risk assessments : understanding disaster and climate risk in cities

The rapid and often unplanned expansion of cities is exposing more people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. For city governments, increased climate variability imposes additional challenges to effective urban management and the delivery of key services, while for residents it increasingly affects their lives and livelihoods

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Communicable diseases following natural disasters: Risk assessment and priority interventions

The Communicable Diseases Working Group on Emergencies (CD-WGE) at WHO/HQ has developed this document to describe the communicable disease risks in populations affected by natural disasters. It is hoped that this document, by detailing the priority measures that are necessary to reduce the impact of communicable diseases following natural disasters, will help to protect the

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