
DemographicsNepal Population Report 2011Past disaster eventsEM-DAT listing of disaster events in NepalDisaster statistics from UN-ISDR and CREDRisk country profile from Index for Risk Management Damage and losses statistics from Disaster Information Management SystemsDisaster response and management data from ReliefWebNepal’s risk rankingsWorld Risk Report 2012Risk profiles and dataClimate Change – Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for NepalEarthquake hazard map of Nepal – National Seismological CentreUrban Risk – Urban risk profile for KathmanduUN-ISDR overview of disaster risk in NepalGovernment policiesHFA Progress Reports, government plans, and government statements and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper – site for NepalRed Cross + civil societyIFRC appeals and info bulletins for Nepal

Strategic Framework for Resilient Livelihoods in Earthquake-Affected Areas of Nepal : ICIMOD Working Paper 2015

This working paper aims to complement the Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) of the Government of Nepal by providing insights into the livelihood dimensions of the earthquake and its socioeconomic and livelihood impacts. It explores the strategic choices and options for developing resilient livelihoods post-earthquake. It details a number of key elements of a strategy

Strategic Framework for Resilient Livelihoods in Earthquake-Affected Areas of Nepal : ICIMOD Working Paper 2015 Read More »

Nepal earthquake 2015: post disaster needs assessment

The report presents a comprehensive post disaster needs assessment exercise, launched simultaneously with response and relief efforts at the request of the Government of Nepal, with the objective to estimate damages and losses caused by the earthquake and to help identify recovery needs as well as strategy required for its implementation. The assessment exercise was

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Humanitarian action after Nepal earthquake: agenda for IAP, issue no. 131, May 2015 This issue of focuses on the theme of humanitarian action after the Nepal earthquake. The ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) is committed to effective implementation of the SFDRR in Asia Pacific region and the Nepal earthquake represents significant challenges to this. As South Asia grapples with yet another disaster,

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Nepal Earthquake Lessons 2015

This lessons paper aims to assist operational agencies responding to the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake. It provides 17 lessons drawn from experience of previous comparable disasters, based on evaluations, research papers and interviews with operational humanitarian practitioners. Key links to relevant information are provided after each lesson, with references provided at the end of

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Inclusive Disaster Risk Management: A framework and toolkit for DRM practitioners

The Inclusive DRM Framework and Toolkit is the result of two years’ work as part of the regional project Inclusive Resilience for Sustainable Disaster Risk Management by the INCRISD South Asia Consortium. The project was carried out in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, with the overall objective of building safer and more

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Nepal Earthquake Response: Lessons for operational agencies

In the aftermath of the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, this paper looks at lessons drawn from previous comparable disasters and seeks to provide invaluable information and assistance to the operational agencies responding to the crisis. Seventeen Lessons give an overview of important learnings based on evaluations, research papers and interviews with operational humanitarian practitioners. Key

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A Critical Disconnect: The role of SAARC in building the DRM capacities in South Asian countries

This study considers the different elements of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation’s (SAARC) DMC’s efforts over the last decade and to assess their impact in supporting the national capacities of member states. This study evaluates the development of DRM national architecture and activities in two case study countries in South Asia, namely India

A Critical Disconnect: The role of SAARC in building the DRM capacities in South Asian countries Read More »

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