
Connecting Grassroots to Government for Disaster Management: Workshop Summary

The growing availability and use of social media and other mass collaboration technologies present new opportunities and challenges for disaster management. Platforms now exist that permit collection of data from broad constituencies and rapid communication with endangered communities, but this new interface between the informality of “the crowd” and the formality of policy frameworks raises […]

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Disaster risk governance: Unlocking progress and reducing risk

The call and the analysis presented here responds to an identified need for more comparative studies on how governance systems and development situations have shaped progress on disaster risk management (DRM). This paper reviews a selected number of different governance systems in terms of their institutional structures (centralized and decentralized); distribution of power and decision-making

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Normative frameworks’ role in addressing gender-based violence in disaster settings

The problem of gender-based violence (GBV) in emergencies has recently received increased attention worldwide. The Humanitarian Exchange Magazine dedicated a whole issue on GBV in humanitarian crises.The International Committee of the Red Cross demonstrated its concern for sexual violence in armed conflict, launching a Special Appeal to strengthen its response in 2014. In non-conflictual emergency

Normative frameworks’ role in addressing gender-based violence in disaster settings Read More »

Disaster Conflict Interface

The study aims to achieve a comparative analysis of tendencies and experiences that stem from the relationship between disasters and conflict. It also analyses the relative success of existing relevant programming approaches adopted incountry. This comparative analysis aims to: contribute to the body of knowledge on the interactions between disaster and conflict; better understand the

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Community Resilience Performance Measurement

Groupe URD was commissioned by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to conduct a consultancy on “Community Resilience Performance Measurement Methodology and Standard Indicators”. The aim of the study was to: To compile, synthesize and highlight some emerging theories, practices and tools in measuring community resilience outside the Red Cross Red Crescent

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Livelihoods and Climate Change

In 2001, IUCN – The World Conservation Union, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) joined forces to launch an international research and policy initiative on Climate Change, Vulnerable Communities and Adaptation. Guided by a multi disciplinary Task Force, this initiative represents a confluence of four distinct, yet decidedly relevant, communities working

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Resilience Projects as Experiments:Implementing climate change resilience in Asian cities

The capacity of actors and institutions to learn and reorganize is central to the resilience of complex systems, particularly in the context of rapidly urbanizing cities. A process of qualitative, reflective research among practitioners within the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) showed that development projects and programmes can contribute meaningfully to this capacity

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The Application of Social Media in Disasters- How can Social Media Support an Effective Disaster Response?

The purpose of this paper is to show how Social Media can be used to support an effective disaster response. The research comes primarily from news articles, academic articles, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports. Contained in this paper are examples of how Social Media has been used in past disasters as well as the potential uses

The Application of Social Media in Disasters- How can Social Media Support an Effective Disaster Response? Read More »

Social Media in the Disaster Cycle- Useful Tools or Mass Distraction?

Social media presents new vehicles for interactive communication and user-generated content using an array of Web- and mobile-based tools. As a result, platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are widely used around the world for entertainment but there is growing interest in using them during and  following natural or man-made disasters. Due to their ease of use

Social Media in the Disaster Cycle- Useful Tools or Mass Distraction? Read More »

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