Urban Preparedness

Building the Resilience of the Poor in the Face of Natural Disasters

This report published by the World Bank is a part of the Climate Change and Development Series to showcase economic and scientific research that explores the interactions between climate change, climate policies, and development. The series aims to promote debate and broaden understanding of current and emerging questions about the climate-development nexus through evidence-based analysis. By examining well-being instead of […]

Building the Resilience of the Poor in the Face of Natural Disasters Read More »

Violence in the City: A Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings

This report published by IRC provides a Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings. Most urban refugees and those internally displaced are relocated to already fragile communities characterised by over-crowding, scarce employment opportunities, and limited access to services and resources. This has important implications for the social and economic vulnerability of new

Violence in the City: A Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings Read More »

The Right to the City for Urban Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam (IRC)

This report published by IRC provides a review of the Barriers to Safe and Equal Access to the City for the Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam. Urbanisation is changing the nature of humanitarian response. In the 21st century, the phenomenon is most prevalent in developing countries; it is estimated that cities in developing countries

The Right to the City for Urban Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam (IRC) Read More »

Resilience scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience

. This ‘resilience scan’ summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the third quarter of 2016, focussing primarily on the context of developing countries as well as gender equality and resilience. The scan will be of particular interest to those implementing resilience projects and policies and those seeking summaries of current debates

Resilience scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience Read More »

Finance for City Leaders Handbook

This publication from UN-Habitat covers a wide range of traditional financing instruments for cities, as well as innovative financing options including green bonds, inter-municipal coordination for pooled financing, and landbased financing instruments. It also includes a chapter on ‘Financing Investments in Slums and Informal Settlements’. The book recognizes that cities’ immense financial challenges cannot be

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Stepping back Understanding cities and their systems

ALNAP’s new research initiative explores how humanitarians can better understand urban contexts. It explores the concepts and terminology around ‘urban systems’ as well as how humanitarians can most effectively embed these concepts into their practice.    This paper is the first output of the research. Section 2 outlines the methodology and evidence base. Section 3 explores the urban context: What

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A review of context analysis tools for urban humanitarian response

 The purpose of this desk review is to take stock of context analysis tools that focus on structural and systemic issues as opposed to specific individual/ households needs. This is to inform the development of an urban context analysis tool.7 The review includes an overview of the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in existing tools, frameworks

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