Urban Preparedness

Urban multi-sector vulnerability assessment tool for displacement contexts

Humanitarian agencies are strategically moving towards more integrated programming across sectors, whilst also strategically increasing urban programming coverage for persons affected by displacement and host communities, including Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), refugee and host populations. NRC has invested in the development of this multi-sector urban assessment tool due to a lack of both urban-specific multi-sector […]

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Urban Response Analysis Framework, IIED

The purpose of this Urban Response Analysis Framework (URAF) is to support the identification of appropriate multi-sector programme responses for urban contexts taking into consideration the needs and vulnerabilities of the population, and the wider internal and external operational context in which organisations operate and the displaced population lives. Multi-sectoral approaches and vulnerability assessments are

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Adapting to an Urban World Phase II (2017) Assessment Design in Urban Areas – Expert Consultations

Managing urban areas is one of the major development challenges of the 21st century. While the increasing attention to the urban food insecure is evident, effective information gathering guiding humanitarian response and targeting remain a challenge to meet food security and other basic needs. In order to assess vulnerability to food insecurity in urban settings,

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Strengthening the context of people in need of care and/or help – the project KOPHIS

The KOPHIS Project aims to strengthen the context of care and help dependencies in disasters. It elaborates the linking of care infrastructure, involved authorities and organizations as well as civil society networks, and thus raise the resilience of involved actors. Here we provide two information sheets about our research project, and would be happy about

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What Practices Are Used to Identify and Prioritize Vulnerable Populations Affected by Urban Humanitarian Emergencies?

Individuals and organizations responding to humanitarian crises recognize the need to improve urban emergency response and preparedness – including the need to devise better methods for assessing vulnerability within urban populations. This systematic review represents the first ever attempt to systematically search, sort and synthesize the existing evidence in order to consolidate findings on the tools,

What Practices Are Used to Identify and Prioritize Vulnerable Populations Affected by Urban Humanitarian Emergencies? Read More »

Disaster risk reduction achievements 2016: good practices, tools and initiatives

This publication features 50 good practices, tools and initiatives that were supported under the 2015-2016 DIPECHO Action Plan. These contribute to the implementation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) Strategy 2014-2024 and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. All initiatives in the publication are associated to one of the following four thematic focus areas: Early Warning

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Global Risk Report 2017

Global Risk Report 2017 is published by the World Economic Forum. For over a decade, The Global Risks Report has focused attention on the evolution of global risks and the deep interconnections between them. The Report has also highlighted the potential of persistent, long-term trends such asinequality and deepening social and political polarization to exacerbate risks associated with, for example, the weakness of the

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Urban Perspectives: Climate Change, Migration, Planning and Financing

2017 New Generation of Ideas Report from Wilson Center. Recognizing the need to strengthen the ties between urban policymaking and new scholarly work on urban development, the Wilson Center’s Urban Sustainability Laboratory, USAID, the World Bank, IHC Global and Cities Alliance teamed together to cosponsor the annual “Reducing Urban Poverty” paper competition for advanced graduate

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Wetlands: a natural safeguard against disasters

Using wetlands to minimize the damage from disasters Defined as land areas that are flooded with water, either seasonally or permanently, wetlands are a natural buffer against disasters. Along the coastline, wetlands act as a natural protective buffer. For example, they helped avoid more than $625 million in damages from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Inland, wetlands act as a natural sponge, absorbing and storing

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