Case Study

How 2 empty buckets can save a life: Bangladesh emergency response course goes local

Within the first 24 to 72 hours after a disaster, local communities are on the front-line of emergency response. Depending on location and scale of emergency, response time may vary.   As this Case Study explores, communities’ confidence to respond to emergencies is commonly based on available resources. However, as CADRE participants in this case learned, basic household items can provide […]

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Case study: HOPE, a pivotal program to Nepal’s future in emergency medicine

In Nepal, the implementation of the HOPE program has been pivotal in the development of emergency planning in hospitals. According to Dr. Pradeep, before HOPE implementation in 2004, only two hospitals − including Tribhuvan Teaching Hospital − had emergency plans. The disaster management plans were comparatively poor and not well developed. Since 2004, approximately two HOPE courses have been conducted each year and eleven hospitals now

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Case Study: Getting the word out: Women emergency responders in Bangladesh pass message on, train others

In Bangladesh, histories of oral traditions have laid the foundation for community training in emergency response. A strong colloquial culture in folklore and story telling makes a compelling case why community training is practical and effective. In many cases, knowledge equates to power.   Within these traditions, women have a central role in passing on knowledge to others as provider and educator

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Case study: Coordination improved response time and increased concentration during emergency, volunteers report

As this case illustrates, community-led teams can take a lead in response efforts for disasters of international significance, as well as smaller and more local incidents.   The Savar incident is such a case: beginning as a local incident, it has garnered considerable international media attention and led to wide-ranging changes in national and international policy for the readymade garment industry.  

Case study: Coordination improved response time and increased concentration during emergency, volunteers report Read More »

Case Study: Mainstreaming put to the test – one official’s experience in Bhutan

Bhutan is known as the ‘Land of the Thunder Dragon ‘for the violent storms that blow in from the Himalayas. Here, climate change and weather hazards have always been point of vulnerability. Besides Himalayan storms, glacial melting can also cause flash floods. Frequent landslides during the rainy season and seismic activity further increase risks for farmers.   Asian Disaster

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Nicaragua: Estudio de Caso: Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre

Serie IFRC-PNUD sobre Marcos Legales para apoyar la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres   Nicaragua cuenta con un buen marco normativo e institucional para la RRD, que integra armónicamente todos sus niveles con el sector gubernamental. Una de las mejores prácticas encontradas es la capacidad organizativa establecida en el marco jurídico e implementado en todos los niveles, interrelacionando armónicamente las

Nicaragua: Estudio de Caso: Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre Read More »

New Zealand: Country Case Study Report

How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction from IFRC-UNDP Series on Legal Frameworks to support Disaster Risk Reduction Located in the south-western Pacific Ocean, New Zealand sits on two tectonic plates within the Pacific ring of fire, resulting in the country’s dramatic natural landscapes. New Zealand is prone to a range of natural hazards, such as floods, storms, cyclones,

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Viet Nam: Country Case Study Report: How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction

Viet Nam: Country Case Study Report How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies May 2014   Viet Nam is prone to many different types of natural hazards. They are mainly hydro-meteorological,such as recurring floods and storms, but also include low to moderate risks of droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, forest

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Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in South Africa

While South Africa is subject to a wide variety of natural and human-induced hazards, the three that occur most frequently – floods, droughts and fires – are all associated with water, its excess or its lack. South Africa is a water-stressed country and lack of sufficient water is the most significant resource constraint on development. Climate change projections over

Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in South Africa Read More »

Namibia: Country Case Study Report / How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction

Namibia is vulnerable to a range of natural hazards, especially drought and flooding. Flooding is an annually recurring event which is worsening each year, with the northern and northeastern regions being the worst affected. Drought is increasingly difficult to predict in the country. In 2013, Namibia experienced an extensive and prolonged drought throughout the country.

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