Urban Preparedness

Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction: An African perspective

This paper presents a literature review which highlights the need for more interest to be shown in indigenous knowledge on disaster risk reduction (DRR), especially in the developing country context. The aim is to lead to better strategies which originate from the community level but would aim for overall sustainable development in Africa. This publication’s […]

Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction: An African perspective Read More »

Mapping of urban resilience initiatives and relevance to the MENA region

As national Governments struggle to address the scale of disasters and the increased preparedness needs at all levels, there has been a push for more proactive measures to be taken by local government. Over the last decade, the main disaster risk reduction actors as well as other organizations involved with local governments and community groups

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World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures

Published by UNHABITAT, this year’s World Cities Report presents a number of issues that this New Urban Agenda should address.  United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development — known as Habitat III — in Quito, Ecuador, is a timely and important opportunity. It takes place as the world embarks on efforts to implement

World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures Read More »

Manual para la formación de coaliciones urbanas

El número de personas afectadas por desastres, naturales o de otro tipo, ha aumentado constantemente en los últimos años. Para 2016, la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA) predice que unas 125,3 millones de personas necesitarán asistencia humanitaria a nivel mundial. Mientras tanto, los recursos para ayudar a estos

Manual para la formación de coaliciones urbanas Read More »

Building resilient and safe communities against poverty and disaster

This study examines the institutional networks required to link processes of community-level deliberation to city and national level processes of decision-making and implementation, in the context of urban governance, community development and climate change. In 2010, the Philippine government introduced a resettlement programme to remove all informal settlers living along vulnerable waterways in Metro Manila.

Building resilient and safe communities against poverty and disaster Read More »

Engaging Stakeholders in a Preliminary Urban Assessment

Developed by American Red Cross in cooperation with ISET, this document provides materials for the planning and delivery of a workshop to engage with stakeholders and, using systems thinking, to begin an urban assessment. The overall goal is that this will be one of the first steps to developing integrated programming at the community level to build overall urban

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Minimum Standards Commitments to gender and diversity in emergency programming.

This guidance presents Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers with a set of Minimum Standards Commitments to gender and diversity in emergency programming. They are designed to assist in analysts of and response to distinct needs of females and males of all ages and backgrounds.  It introduces a four-point framework around which the Minimum

Minimum Standards Commitments to gender and diversity in emergency programming. Read More »

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