Urban Preparedness

Eco-system Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan: a Handbook for Practitioners

This handbook introduces some approaches to disaster risk management based on a symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity, and compiles basic information on practical matters for reference. It highlights some of the benefits and advantages of Eco-system based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR), the traditional and new ecosystem-based approaches as well as the key points in […]

Eco-system Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan: a Handbook for Practitioners Read More »

Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning

The Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning reviews typical steps in the city-level climate action planning process in light of a proposed set of globally applicable principles. These principles, shown below, developed through a robust and open multi-stakeholder process, support local officials, planners and stakeholders in climate action planning1. Such plans aim to help

Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning Read More »

A governance Approach to Building Urban Climate Resilience

This brief highlights lessons learned from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) and offers insights for other Urban Climate Change Resilience (UCCR) programs. This series of case studies are aimed to discover the key lessons and best practices for integrating climate change into diverse programs and contexts. They are intended to inform how

A governance Approach to Building Urban Climate Resilience Read More »

Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic

The strategic directions on strengthening National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are intended for use by all stakeholders as a guiding document or manual, which proposes a list of rational options of organizational and practical actions that aim at strengthening the capacity, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of national platforms for disaster risk reduction. The given

Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

URBZ – user-generated cities

Based on the belief that residents are experts in their neighborhoods, URBZ organizes collaborative workshops, hands-on research projects, and interactive solution sharing on the web. URBZ regularly organizes participatory workshops that last 2 to 7 days where local residents work in small teams with guests from various fields to produce documentation in the form of surveys, designs, multimedia

URBZ – user-generated cities Read More »

पुस्तिका: पुरातात्विक महत्वका भवनहरूको मर्मतसंभारमा भुकम्पीय सुरक्षा अभिवृध्दिका उपायहरू

पुस्तिका: पुरातात्विक महत्वका भवनहरूको मर्मतसंभारमा भुकम्पीय सुरक्षा अभिवृध्दिका उपायहरू   यो पुस्तिकाले पुरातात्विक महत्वका भवनहरूको मर्मतसंभारमा भुकम्पीय सुरक्षा अभिवृध्दिका उपायहरू कसरी गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने कुराको मार्ग निर्देशन गर्दछ। पुस्तिकाले भुकम्प तथा अन्य प्राकृतिक प्रकोपबाट साँस्कृतिक धरोहरहरू जोगाउन संरक्षणविद् तथा साँस्कृतिक समुदायहरूलाई मर्मतसंभारका जुक्तिहरू पनि दिन्छन्। नेपालमा वैशाख १२, २०७२ मा गएको ७.८ माग्निटूडको भुकम्पले ९

पुस्तिका: पुरातात्विक महत्वका भवनहरूको मर्मतसंभारमा भुकम्पीय सुरक्षा अभिवृध्दिका उपायहरू Read More »

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