Urban Preparedness

Social cohesion between Syrian Refugees and Urban Host Communities in Lebanon and Jordan

The Social Cohesion project – an action-research project commissioned by World Vision, explores the causes and consequences of tensions between refugees and host communities to propose better short and longer term solutions for humanitarian and development programming in the Middle East region and other similar contexts. This literature review clearly demonstrates that social cohesion is […]

Social cohesion between Syrian Refugees and Urban Host Communities in Lebanon and Jordan Read More »

City Strength Diagnostic Methodological Guidebook, GFDRR

City Strength Diagnostic was developed to help World Bank staff apply this new holistic approach to urban resilience to operations. It was designed to help facilitate a dialogue among stakeholders (e.g. government, civil society, residents, and the private sector) about risks, resilience, and the performance of urban systems. It is important to note that CityStrength

City Strength Diagnostic Methodological Guidebook, GFDRR Read More »

Empowering Communities & Strengthening Resilience – Partnerships for Disaster Resilience for Thailand

 This publication serves to document the lessons learned by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center ADPC and its development partners during their work in Thailand, with a focus on the implementation experience of projects following the ‘Great Floods’ of 2011. Importantly, these lessons are considered in the wider context of previous community-based disaster risk reduction work carried out by

Empowering Communities & Strengthening Resilience – Partnerships for Disaster Resilience for Thailand Read More »

Key Considerations in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Lessons from Aceh

In October 2007, almost three years after the tsunami, the DEC commissioned experts from Arup to carry out a short mission to Aceh to review the post-tsunami reconstruction programme undertaken by DEC Member Agencies. The aim of the mission was to provide assurance on the quality of construction and that the programmes would be completed

Key Considerations in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Lessons from Aceh Read More »

Integrating Climate Change into City Development Strategies

The guide is intended to be of particular benefit for the following groups: • Planners working in local governments cities in lowand middle-income countries that are developing a City Development Strategy, have some knowledge of climate change and want to integrate this aspect. • City planners working in local governments who have developed a City Development Strategy and have integrated

Integrating Climate Change into City Development Strategies Read More »

Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative

Exerpt from Executive Summary:   Tourism is one of the most economically important sets of industries worldwide, yet the industry is also one of the most highly exposed to disasters due to its reliance on interrelated industries and location in many hazard prone regions.   The Hotel Resilient Initiative aims to develop internationally recognized standards for hotels and

Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative Read More »

A guide to measuring urban risk resilience: principles, tools and practice of urban indicators

This Guidebook describes the principles, tools and practices of three (3) urban disaster risk and resilience indicator systems based on EMI’s collective experience in implementing them in various urban settings in the last decade with local authorities. The objective of the Guidebook and the case studies presented here is to describe the methodology and participatory

A guide to measuring urban risk resilience: principles, tools and practice of urban indicators Read More »

Humanitarian response to urban crises – a review of area-based approaches

The aim of this paper is to provide a review of current literature as a foundation for informing practice and policy of humanitarian actors. Given the emerging nature of this topic, there is also a focus on identifying gaps in documentation and sector knowledge for further research. The research questions this paper seeks to address

Humanitarian response to urban crises – a review of area-based approaches Read More »

Humanitarian response to urban crises: a review of area-based approaches

In recent years there has been increasing interest in area-based approaches among humanitarian actors responding to urban crises. Through analysis of case studies, as well as available policy literature, this paper proposes that, in an urban context, area-based approaches have three defining characteristics: they are geographically targeted, and adopt a multi-sectoral, participatory approach. Area-based approaches

Humanitarian response to urban crises: a review of area-based approaches Read More »

Cities, Climate Change, and The Big Opportunity: How Empowering the Urban Poor Can Improve Our Global Future

For centuries, cities have proven themselves to be engines of economic growth, sources of innovation and places of job creation. As cities invest in their adaption and resilience to climate change, this is also a window of opportunity to invest in new pathways to economic prosperity and progress for their most vulnerable citizens. But to

Cities, Climate Change, and The Big Opportunity: How Empowering the Urban Poor Can Improve Our Global Future Read More »

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