
Past disaster eventsEM-DAT listing of disaster events in TanzaniaDisaster statistics from UN-ISDR and CREDRisk country profile from Index for Risk Management Disaster response and management data from ReliefWebGovernment policiesHFA Progress Reports, government plans, and government statements and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper – http://www.unisdr.org/partners/countries/tzaRed Cross + civil societyIFRC appeals and info bulletins for Tanzania

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019

The United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is the flagship report of the United Nations on worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risk. The GAR is published biennially by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), and is the product of the contributions of nations, public and private disaster risk-related science […]

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WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2018

The World Metereological Organization (WMO) marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate, which was first issued in 1194. The 2019 edition treating data for 2018 marks sustained international efforts dedicated to reporting on, analysing and understanding the year-to-year variations and long-term trends of a changing climate. Some

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Bridging Real-Time Data and Adaptive Management

The case studies show that real-time data systems can, in the right circumstances and with the right enabling conditions, enable adaptive management. In settings where there are no political or institutional constraints to adaptation—and where the timeliness of information is the binding constraint on strategic and operational improvements—real-time data systems can underpin and catalyze data-driven

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The impact of disasters on agriculture: Addressing the information gap

  In developing countries the agriculture sector absorbs 23 percent of the total damage and losses. Between 2005 and 2014, approximately USD 93 billion was lost in crop and livestock production due to natural hazards and disasters in developing countries.  The number and frequency of recorded natural disasters, along with the associated impact and damage

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Case study – Zuia Mafuriko/Ramani Huria flood resilience project, Tanzania

  This case study captures the partnership building and community participation experiences of the Zuia Mafuriko/Ramani Huria project to enhance flood resilience in informal settlements in Dar Es Salaam. Dar Es Salaam is prone to regular flooding and has experienced various catastrophic flood events in the past 10 years. Many of the devastating impacts of floods

Case study – Zuia Mafuriko/Ramani Huria flood resilience project, Tanzania Read More »

UNISDR Annual Report 2016

The year 2016 was transformative for UNISDR – internally, UNISDR aligned its work in support of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with the organisational vision of its new senior management team. This resulted in the implementation of a new Strategic Framework 2016-2021, Work Programme 2016-2019 and a change management

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The Right to the City for Urban Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam (IRC)

This report published by IRC provides a review of the Barriers to Safe and Equal Access to the City for the Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam. Urbanisation is changing the nature of humanitarian response. In the 21st century, the phenomenon is most prevalent in developing countries; it is estimated that cities in developing countries

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Case Study: Lessons learned from community mapping in urban and rural areas in East Africa and Bangladesh

The Missing Maps project aims to literally and figuratively put more than 20 million vulnerable, at-risk people on the map using OpenStreetMap (OSM) as a platform. We need to fill in these “missing maps” before the next disaster strikes ensuring the maps have detail sufficient for emergency responders to hit the ground running. The American

Case Study: Lessons learned from community mapping in urban and rural areas in East Africa and Bangladesh Read More »

Climate Risk Information: Connecting the dots between Maasais, national and international actors

This video exercise is a bottom up participatory process that empowered a Maasai Community to craft and send their message out about their reality and need for climate information. It is an attempt to connect the dots between the ground and the higher levels, including government representatives and researchers. This activity is part of the

Climate Risk Information: Connecting the dots between Maasais, national and international actors Read More »

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