
Violence in the City: A Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings

This report published by IRC provides a Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings. Most urban refugees and those internally displaced are relocated to already fragile communities characterised by over-crowding, scarce employment opportunities, and limited access to services and resources. This has important implications for the social and economic vulnerability of new

Violence in the City: A Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings Read More »

The Right to the City for Urban Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam (IRC)

This report published by IRC provides a review of the Barriers to Safe and Equal Access to the City for the Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam. Urbanisation is changing the nature of humanitarian response. In the 21st century, the phenomenon is most prevalent in developing countries; it is estimated that cities in developing countries

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Stepping back Understanding cities and their systems

ALNAP’s new research initiative explores how humanitarians can better understand urban contexts. It explores the concepts and terminology around ‘urban systems’ as well as how humanitarians can most effectively embed these concepts into their practice.    This paper is the first output of the research. Section 2 outlines the methodology and evidence base. Section 3 explores the urban context: What

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Finding Economic Opportunity in the City

This report looks at International Rescue Committe’s (IRC) experiences in cash assistance and livelihoods programming in Lebanon and Jordan in the context of the Syrian regional response. It explores opportunities and challenges inherent to cash and livelihoods programming, identifying good practices and ways to integrate other relevant sectors in order to produce better outcomes for

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Call for Proposals — Consultancy for Developing a City-Wide Assessment for Community Resilience

The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) is requesting proposals for a new consultancy on City-wide Assessment for Community Resilience. Working in collaboration with the IFRC and American Red Cross, the GDPC has received an award from USAID/OFDA to design and test a set of tools and services to assist RCRC National Societies and other local

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World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures

Published by UNHABITAT, this year’s World Cities Report presents a number of issues that this New Urban Agenda should address.  United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development — known as Habitat III — in Quito, Ecuador, is a timely and important opportunity. It takes place as the world embarks on efforts to implement

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Engaging Stakeholders in a Preliminary Urban Assessment

Developed by American Red Cross in cooperation with ISET, this document provides materials for the planning and delivery of a workshop to engage with stakeholders and, using systems thinking, to begin an urban assessment. The overall goal is that this will be one of the first steps to developing integrated programming at the community level to build overall urban

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City Strength Diagnostic Methodological Guidebook, GFDRR

City Strength Diagnostic was developed to help World Bank staff apply this new holistic approach to urban resilience to operations. It was designed to help facilitate a dialogue among stakeholders (e.g. government, civil society, residents, and the private sector) about risks, resilience, and the performance of urban systems. It is important to note that CityStrength

City Strength Diagnostic Methodological Guidebook, GFDRR Read More »

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