
Urban Risk Management Is City Leaders’ New Concern

The MENA Urbanization Knowledge Platform (MENA UKP) team is proud to launch a series of six video blogs on the resilience of cities in MENA and beyond. These interviews see city leaders, decision-makers, development experts, academics, private sector representatives, from the MENA region and beyond, reflect on the rising concern of urban risk management. They share

Urban Risk Management Is City Leaders’ New Concern Read More »

City Resilience Is Not Just About Climatic Risks and Natural Hazards

The MENA Urbanization Knowledge Platform (MENA UKP) team is proud to launch a series of six video blogs on the resilience of cities in MENA and beyond. These interviews see city leaders, decision-makers, development experts, academics, private sector representatives, from the MENA region and beyond, reflect on the rising concern of urban risk management. They share

City Resilience Is Not Just About Climatic Risks and Natural Hazards Read More »

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