29 Jun 2015
This animation—produced by Global Health Media Project in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNICEF, and Yoni Goodman—brings to life key messages that help people see and understand how Ebola ...
Tags: Video, Communicable Disease, Public Awareness and Public Education
08 Mar 2018
Scroll down to watch the descriptions and video recordings of the webinars organized by the IFRC Urban Collaboration Platform on a variety of topics such as: Rethinking Urban Community Risk Reduction and Resilience while responding to COVID-19 The Co...
Tags: Video, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness
25 Mar 2015
#SoyPreventivo nace como una campaña educativa en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana que pretende demostrar que a través de las redes sociales podemos influir y contribuir desde la comunicación digital, en las estrategias de seguridad y gestión...
Tags: Video