Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

A governance Approach to Building Urban Climate Resilience

This brief highlights lessons learned from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) and offers insights for other Urban Climate Change Resilience (UCCR) programs. This series of case studies are aimed to discover the key lessons and best practices for integrating climate change into diverse programs and contexts. They are intended to inform how

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الدعم النفسي-الاجتماعي القائم على المجتمع المحلي: دليل المدرب

أن التدريب على الدعم النفسي-الإجتماعي قد يجري تقديمه على شكل حزمة منفصلة أو مدرجة كجزء من برامج قائمة مثل، برامج التأهب للكوارث، الإسعاف الأولي والرعاية الرعاية الاجتماعية. و مهما كان الشكل الذي يقدم فيه البرنامج، فإنه يهدف إلى رفع مستوى الرعاية للمنتفعين و إلى توفير دعم قوي للموظفين و للمتطوعين على حد سو. يحتوي دليل

الدعم النفسي-الاجتماعي القائم على المجتمع المحلي: دليل المدرب Read More »

Disaster Resilience Leadership Program

Leadership makes a tremendous difference in disaster preparation, response, and recovery. In times of extreme adversity, strong and effective leadership can prevent a disaster altogether or mitigate its impact, whereas weak and ineffective leadership can exacerbate the situation, with devastating life or death consequences. Despite this importance, investments to build human capacity and sustain a

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A Networked Approach to Strengthening Emergency Response Capacity

Over the past decade, the global humanitarian agenda has moved from saving lives and providing basic services in emergencies toward building resilience to crises. However, the recent Ebola outbreaks in West Africa and ongoing crises in countries such as Syria, Somalia, and the Central African Republic have exposed weaknesses in humanitarian emergency response (ER). This

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Empowering Communities & Strengthening Resilience – Partnerships for Disaster Resilience for Thailand

 This publication serves to document the lessons learned by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center ADPC and its development partners during their work in Thailand, with a focus on the implementation experience of projects following the ‘Great Floods’ of 2011. Importantly, these lessons are considered in the wider context of previous community-based disaster risk reduction work carried out by

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Climate and Disaster Resilience: The Role of Community Driven Development

Community-driven development is an approach “… that gives control over planning decisions and investment resources to community groups and local governments.” Historically, programs using a CDD approach grew out of situations of crisis (financial shock, conflict, and even natural disasters) and were meant as transitional instruments for service delivery where governments (particularly newly installed administrations)

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Integrated Community Resilience and Development (ICRD) Program – China

The ICRD programme targets around 110,000 people in 50 vulnerable communities. Some of the main issues for intervention relate to livelihood development, access to improved drinking water and sanitation facilities, better access to primary health care, improved disaster preparedness in communities, and road safety education. This video features some of the ICRD carried out in

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