
DemographicsTurkish Statistics Administration (TUIK)Past disaster eventsEM-DAT listing of disaster events in TurkeyDisaster statistics from UN-ISDR and CREDRisk country profile from Index for Risk ManagementDisaster response and management data from ReliefWebTurkey’s risk rankingsPlace 106. in country at risk ranking, World Risk Report 2012Risk profiles and dataNational Disaster ArchivesPrime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD)Middle East Technical University Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center (detailed maps)Earthquake dataGeneral Directorate of MeteorologyGovernment legislation and policiesPrime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD)Hyogo Framework for Action Progress ReportsCivil DefenseRed Cross + civil societyIFRC appeals and info bulletins for Turkey

360° of Preparedness: Reflections from Cities around the World

Experts in the field of disaster management shared perspectives and experiences pertaining to disaster preparedness in rapidly growing urban settings across the globe. City case studies included Christchurch, New Zealand; Istanbul, Turkey; Kathmandu, Nepal; Mandalay, Myanmar; Mexico City, Mexico; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Boulder, USA; and Tehran, Iran. The presentations were followed by an afternoon dialogue among academics and […]

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Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience: A Special Joint G20 Publication by the Government of Mexico and the World Bank

Responding to a G20 request, the Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience: A Special Joint G20 Publication by the Government of Mexico and the World Bank brings together the experiences of G20 countries in protecting their populations and assets against natural hazards. It includes contributions by fifteen G20 members and invited countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil,

Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience: A Special Joint G20 Publication by the Government of Mexico and the World Bank Read More »

Afet Yönetiminde Risk Azaltma ve Türkiye’de Yaşanan Sorunlar

 Turkiye’de 17 Ağustos ve 12 Kasım 1999’da yaşanan Kocaeli ve Düzce Depremlerinin (Marmara Depremleri) ortaya çıkardığı hasarın telafisi için yapılan yatırım büyüklüğünü hesaplamak ve bu maliyetlerin ortaya çıkmaması veya azaltılması için afet olmadan önce gerçekleştirilecek risk azaltma faaliyetlerinin önemini vurgulayan Uzmanlik tezi. 

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ABCD – Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitim Programı

ABCD, insanları, riski azaltmak için başlarına bir afet gelmeden ÖNCE önlem almaya yönlendirmeyi amaçlayan bir eiğitim programıdır. Aile Afete Hazırlık Planı ve Kurum Afete Hazırlık Planı, afet riskinin azaltılması konusunda temel faaliyetleri olarak, Değerlendirme ve Planlama, Fiziksel Korunma, Müdahale Kapasitesinin Artırılması konularını içermektedir. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi, Afete Hazırlık Eğitim Birimi http://www.koeri.boun.edu.tr/aheb/abcd.asp

ABCD – Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitim Programı Read More »

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