
Review in winter conditions – R&D project for a new light self-standing tent

The winter test was originally planned to take place in Pakistan. However, following an analysis of the security situation, the IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU) together with the Project Committee, decided to organize this phase in two different blocks. The first part was a theoretical winter test in Luxembourg and the second was remote monitoring in […]

Review in winter conditions – R&D project for a new light self-standing tent Read More »

Testing for 3 tent prototypes in Burundi – IFRC Shelter Research Unit, Burundi (2013)

IFRC-SRU assumed the responsibility and undertook the field testing for the Burundi location on behalf of ICRC, in collaboration with the Burundian Red Cross, and with funding by Luxemburg Red Cross. In addition to the set test-protocols for the comparative testing of the three prototypes, IFRC-SRU introduced some further tests to complement the basic protocol

Testing for 3 tent prototypes in Burundi – IFRC Shelter Research Unit, Burundi (2013) Read More »

Analyse Comparative des Techniques de Maçonnerie en Terre au Burundi

27 février – 8 mars 2019 Consultante : Eugénie Crété Plusieurs programmes de construction de maisons à destination des plus vuln.rables ont cours au Burundi. Les murs de ces maisons sont construits à partir de différents matériaux, principalement adobes, briques cuites et Blocs de Terre Comprimés (BTC). Si les deux premières techniques sont très présentes

Analyse Comparative des Techniques de Maçonnerie en Terre au Burundi Read More »

Améliorations au Guide de l’Habitat Actuel dans la Région des Grands Lacs (Conférence, 22-24 avril 2012)

L’atelier: L’atelier organisé par la Croix-Rouge du Burundi et la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise avec l’appui technique de l’IFRC-Shelter Research Unit s’est tenu du 22 au 24 avril 2012. L’objectif était de revoir le modèle de maison actuellement utilisé, qui fût établi par le HCR et d’identifier les améliorations possibles. Cinquante participants ont assisté à l’atelier durant

Améliorations au Guide de l’Habitat Actuel dans la Région des Grands Lacs (Conférence, 22-24 avril 2012) Read More »

Sahel Shelter: Evaluation of Tested Prototypes and Final Design

The first basic Tuareg Shelters was developed by IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU) and distributed by Luxemburg Red Cross (LuxRC) and Burkinabe Red Cross (BRC) in summer 2012. Since then on-going monitoring, evaluation, and specific technical testing were conducted to assess the best suitable structural system (stability, rigidity, wind-resistance), thermal performance of different cladding layers, and

Sahel Shelter: Evaluation of Tested Prototypes and Final Design Read More »

Standard Guideline for Disaster Prone Housing of Bangladesh

Context and Rationale of the Guideline Bangladesh is predisposed to numerous natural extremities due to its geographic location and meteorological features. Every year, the country faces multiple exposures to extreme natural phenomena that significantly affect the inhabitants’ overall livelihood. Predominantly housing is the most affected paradigm, facing the utmost adverse impacts of nature. Although Bangladesh

Standard Guideline for Disaster Prone Housing of Bangladesh Read More »

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