Review of Built Infrastructures in Laos

The Luxembourg Red Cross is actively working in Laos with a Shelter project (including WatSan component) in the Khammouane region (Mahaxay and Hinboun districts).

The project of the LRC (last planned in this country) focuses on improving the living conditions of the local population through the development of community infrastructures and mechanisms. The project is implemented in 10 villages and concentrates on three pillars: construction of storage/community infrastructures, improvement of water access and sanitary facilities, the supply of community support kits.

The project has ended on 30th June 2017. The IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU)  has been called to conduct a review mission in Laos from 4th to 19th March 2017.

The overall objective of the IFRC-SRU consultancy is a basic technical review of the constructions on the followed agreed topics:

  • Built infrastructures (including community latrines): Structure, Finishing, and Dimensioning
  • Latrines built by self-construction or subcontracted as support to the most vulnerable families: Emplacement, Use of the distributed materials, and overall stability
  • Community support kits: adequacy of the proposed items and adequate use of the already distributed items.

You can download the final report down below.

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