Climate Change Adaptation

Guide climatique de la Croix-Rouge

Ce guide débute par des notions fondamentales sur les changements climatiques: le consensus scientifique, les conséquences humanitaires et les implications générales pour la Croix-Rouge et le Croissant-Rouge. Il est suivi de six modules thématiques : démarrage, dialogues, communications, la gestion des catastrophes, la réduction de risques dans la communauté et la santé et prise en […]

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The Ready Game

Ready! enables focused conversations with communities on disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction.  It was designed by students at Parsons School of Design for use by the American Red Cross in the Zambezi river basin.   Ready! is a relatively physical game that can be played using virtually any disaster scenario. The game is played with simple materials

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The Gender and Climate Game

A participatory activity to support experiential learning and dialogue on the differential vulnerability of women and men facing climate variability and change. Players first take on the role of subsistence farmers facing changing risks — then ‘walk in the shoes’ of a specific gender role. Experiencing the consequences of individual and collective decisions, rich discussions

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The geography of poverty, disasters and climate extremes in 2030

This report examines the relationship between disasters and poverty. It concludes that, without concerted action, there could be up to 325 million extremely poor people living in the 49 countries most exposed to the full range of natural hazards and climate extremes in 2030. It maps out where the poorest people are likely to live and develops a range of scenarios to identify

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Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Adaptation Climate change adaptation is the “adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.” [Source: UN-ISDR]. Essentially adaptation refers to efforts to understand and anticipate the adverse effects of climate change and to take appropriate action: to prevent

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دليل المناخ للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر

الهدف المنوشد من هذا الدليل للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر هو مشاطرة خبرات أكثر من 40 جمعية وطنية بد أت في السنوات الخمس الأخيرة مواجهة تغيّرالمناخ في إطار أعمالها. وخبرات الجمعيات متنوعة بقدر تنوع طقس كوكبنا وشاسعة بقدرات ساع حركة الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر نفسها.  وعلى الرغم من ذلك، تبرز أوجه شبه عديدة. وتغير المناخ مجال

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Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Guide

The guide presents experience from more than 30 Red Cross Red Crescent national socieites in six thematic modules: Getting started, Dialogues, Communications, Disaster management, Community-based disaster risk reduction and Health. Online intro to the Climate Guide, English version of Climate Guide,

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