
Participatory Video with school children on climate change, Mexico

Location: Nezahualcóyotl, MexicoIn November 2012, the Mexican Red Cross Youth helped a group of 12 school children age 11-12 to produce a participatory video about climate change.This activity was part of the Procclima program which educates children to become agents of change in their communities to help tackle climate change.After the children learned how to […]

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Participatory Video on community adaptation to climate change, Colombia

    Communities around the world are exploring new ways to adapt to climate change. Here, for example, we see how the Colombian Red Cross is helping towns affected by coastal erosion and other factors. Would you say that climate change is having an impact on your community? Location: La Guajira, ColombiaIn November 2012, the

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GDPC Universal First Aid App Program/ Programa Universal de App de Primeros Auxilios

Learn more about the Universal App Program of the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) and the roll out of the First Aid App in Argentina. Based on the First Aid App developed by the British Red Cross, and adapted by the American Red Cross, the GDPC developed the Universal First Aid App to be shared with

GDPC Universal First Aid App Program/ Programa Universal de App de Primeros Auxilios Read More »

ethics in stem

Valuing what works – Success Factors in Disaster Preparedness

This report summarizes an 18-month, evidence-based study that sought to understand practitioner information needs by asking the question: What are successful Red Cross/Red Crescent (RCRC) preparedness practitioners already doing that works, and how can the organization better support their information needs in what they are already doing? A research team from the University of Washington conducted

Valuing what works – Success Factors in Disaster Preparedness Read More »

Nicaragua: Estudio de Caso: Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre

Serie IFRC-PNUD sobre Marcos Legales para apoyar la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres   Nicaragua cuenta con un buen marco normativo e institucional para la RRD, que integra armónicamente todos sus niveles con el sector gubernamental. Una de las mejores prácticas encontradas es la capacidad organizativa establecida en el marco jurídico e implementado en todos los niveles, interrelacionando armónicamente las

Nicaragua: Estudio de Caso: Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre Read More »

Guatemala: Estudio de Caso / Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre

Este informe analiza los marcos legislativos, de políticas e institucionales para la reducción de riesgo de desastres en sus niveles nacional y local, y la base institucional para la implementación de estos, a nivel nacional, departamental y comunitario, en Guatemala.   Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja

Guatemala: Estudio de Caso / Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre Read More »

Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is the second most vulnerable country in the Caribbean after Haiti, being exposed to tropical storms and hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires and landslides, as well as being at considerable risk from seismic events and tsunamis; high proportion of the population lives in poverty and inequality between the rich and the poor is also substantial. Escalating rates

Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in the Dominican Republic Read More »

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