Europe and Central Asia

“The welfare state put to the test” – Humanitarian consequences in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic.

The purpose of the report is to draw attention to the indirect consequences the covid-19 pandemic on the humanitarian needs in Norway. The Norwegian Red Cross wants to better understand how the covid-19 pandemic has affected and created new or changed humanitarian needs, and the long-term consequences for Norwegian society.

“The welfare state put to the test” – Humanitarian consequences in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic. Read More »

The value of Norwegian Red Cross domestic volunteering in 2019

Menon Economics has developed a method for the Norwegian Red Cross to estimate the monetary value of the work of Red Cross’ volunteers in Norway during 2019 – a volunteering account. The volunteering account covers 63 national activities with more than 57 300 volunteers[1]. Based on an independent assessment of each activity and the volunteers’ estimated

The value of Norwegian Red Cross domestic volunteering in 2019 Read More »

Flood Resilience Alliance: Albania Country Briefing (Albanian)

Shqipëria është një vend që preket shpesh nga përmbytjet, reshjet e dendura dhe infrastruktura jo adekuate kanë rritur ashpërsinë e përmbytjeve gjatë 15 viteve të fundit kryesisht në zonën veri-perëndimore dhe jug-perëndimore ( konkretisht në zonën fushore të nën-Shkodrës, Lezhë dhe ultësirën perëndimore Fier, Vlorë, Lushnjë) si dhe rrëshqitjet e tokës që prekin fshatrat që

Flood Resilience Alliance: Albania Country Briefing (Albanian) Read More »

Connected: How Albania’s new Emergency Operation Centre enables effective disaster risk management

As auxiliaries to national governments and as trusted partners, Red Cross National Societies around the world are involved in many disaster management initiatives. The Albanian Red Cross is actively pursuing the opportunities emerging from this position to connect our flood resilience work to other initiatives for wider reach and bigger impact. The Albanian Red Cross’

Connected: How Albania’s new Emergency Operation Centre enables effective disaster risk management Read More »

Better together: Working with local partners to build flood resilient infrastructure in Montenegro

The Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) provides a holistic and systematic picture of communities’ strengths and gaps when it comes to flood resilience. To address many entry points for flood resilience building, working with partners is essential. Therefore, the Red Cross of Montenegro partnered with the municipality of Golubovci on a flood resilient infrastructure

Better together: Working with local partners to build flood resilient infrastructure in Montenegro Read More »

Taking large-scale action to raise disaster risk awareness in Albania

On the latest International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Albanian Red Cross partnered with the National Agency for Civil Protection, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, and the Ministry of Education and visited schools, city centres, and town halls across the country to raise awareness about hazards like floods and build a culture

Taking large-scale action to raise disaster risk awareness in Albania Read More »

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