
Past disaster eventsEM-DAT listing of disaster events in ThailandDisaster statistics from UN-ISDR and CREDRisk country profile from Index for Risk ManagementDisaster response and management data from ReliefWebGovernment policiesHFA Progress Reports, government plans, and government statements – Cross + civil societyIFRC appeals and info bulletins for Thailand

UNISDR Annual Report 2016

The year 2016 was transformative for UNISDR – internally, UNISDR aligned its work in support of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with the organisational vision of its new senior management team. This resulted in the implementation of a new Strategic Framework 2016-2021, Work Programme 2016-2019 and a change management […]

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Resilience scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience

. This ‘resilience scan’ summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the third quarter of 2016, focussing primarily on the context of developing countries as well as gender equality and resilience. The scan will be of particular interest to those implementing resilience projects and policies and those seeking summaries of current debates

Resilience scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience Read More »

Bringing Collaborative Governance in Community Early Warning System for Flood Risk Reduction

  Published 23 March 2015 The collaboration of government, local government, and community is key to flood early warning systems. The Program for Reduction of Vulnerability to Floods in Thailand (ADPC and USAID) implemented various activities under the program to strengthen the collaboration which also brings the understanding among stakeholders on flood early warning system.

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Building flood preparedness in community: Implementing early warning systems in Ayutthaya (Thailand)

Published: 23 March 2015 Ayutthaya, Thailand – This case study concerns the Program for Reduction of Vulnerability to Floods in Thailand implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in collaboration with the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) as a focal point on disaster risk reduction organization in Thailand and with the support

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Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters

This scoping study analyzes the business context and needs for specific disaster risk management standards for small- and medium-sized hotels. as part of the the Hotel Resilient Initiative. The study is based on17 semi-structured interviews with representatives from hotels, government, insurance companies and hotel associations in Bohol and Cebu in the Philippines; Lombok in Indonesia; Phuket in Thailand; and

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Empowering Communities & Strengthening Resilience – Partnerships for Disaster Resilience for Thailand

 This publication serves to document the lessons learned by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center ADPC and its development partners during their work in Thailand, with a focus on the implementation experience of projects following the ‘Great Floods’ of 2011. Importantly, these lessons are considered in the wider context of previous community-based disaster risk reduction work carried out by

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Building Back Better: Case studies in Resilience Building

The publication showcases community initiatives from China (Sichuan), Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore to provide valuable lessons for the future. Section 1 of this publication provides an overview of the “Disaster Mental Health Programme for Communities in Asia” programme’s aims and planned outcomes, and the context in which it has progressed. It also highlights the importance

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Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative

Exerpt from Executive Summary:   Tourism is one of the most economically important sets of industries worldwide, yet the industry is also one of the most highly exposed to disasters due to its reliance on interrelated industries and location in many hazard prone regions.   The Hotel Resilient Initiative aims to develop internationally recognized standards for hotels and

Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative Read More »

The Role of Social Capital in Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Thailand

This study aims contribute the existing evidence base on how Social Capital can be harnessed to strengthen DRR in Thailand. While, social capital is generally recognized as an important means to building community resilience, there is still little knowledge about how it can be best utilized towards DRR efforts. To this end, an extensive literature

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