Behavior Change and Disaster Preparedness


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of soft and flexible fibers that are resistant to heat, electricity and corrosion. These qualities make the mineral useful, but they also make asbestos exposure highly toxic. Asbestos is an effective insulator, and it can be used in cloth, paper, cement, plastic and other materials to make them

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Asbestos (Material developed in different operations in Indonesia)

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of soft and flexible fibers that are resistant to heat, electricity and corrosion. These qualities make the mineral useful, but they also make asbestos exposure highly toxic. Asbestos is an effective insulator, and it can be used in cloth, paper, cement, plastic and other materials to make them

Asbestos (Material developed in different operations in Indonesia) Read More »

Leaders and Data Driven Decision Making: Why it Matters

The importance of data in informing sound decision making for management and key stakeholders cannot be over emphasized especially in this period and time. Data is the compass on which leaders must rely on and consult for directions at every turn. Leaders have a responsibility to create sound systems that produce quality data that can be relied

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Inundaciones de 2020 en Tabasco: Aprendizajes para el fortalecimiento del capital social

En octubre y noviembre del 2020, en México, una serie de frentes fríos y dos ciclones detonaron graves inundaciones en los estados de Chiapas, Tabasco y Veracruz. En el estado de Tabasco, durante el mes de noviembre, se registró una importante precipitación pluvial, las inundaciones, los deslizamientos de tierra y la descarga de agua de

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Early Warning Early Action: Toward More Behaviorally Informed Early Warning Systems

Early warning systems (EWSs) have traditionally focused on collecting and analyzing hazard data to produce warning messages that help inform stakeholders of impending disasters and when, where, and how to initiate response activities. Social constructivist understandings of risk have led to more people-centered approaches to EWS design and development. The resulting systems, though better informed,

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Bringing the Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Community and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) together.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are rapidly changing the world as we know it. Digital technology is transforming the deployment of humanitarian assistance globally. The pandemic has accelerated this transformation with no going back. For the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, the challenge is serving the mission first, while improving the way it

Bringing the Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Community and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) together. Read More »

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