Food Security

The Impact of Natural Hazards and Disasters on Agriculture and Food and Nutritions Security: A Call for Action to Build Resilient Livelihoods

There is a critical information gap in terms of the quantitative economic impact of disasters on agriculture and on the livelihoods and food security of populations affected. FAO has undertaken a study to help fill this information gap, and to quantify where possible the impact of natural hazards on the agriculture sector in developing countries […]

The Impact of Natural Hazards and Disasters on Agriculture and Food and Nutritions Security: A Call for Action to Build Resilient Livelihoods Read More »

Questioning ‘drought displacement’: environment, politics and migration in Somalia

This report by Anna Lindley, Lecturer in Migration and Development at SOAS, University of London, focuses on the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and the environmental, political, and structural dimensions and processes underlying it. The multi-causal factors of recent displacement and migration “prompt a series of policy challenges in relation to prevention, response and rights protection.”  

Questioning ‘drought displacement’: environment, politics and migration in Somalia Read More »

Food security and choice, can we have both? Professor Charles Godfray at TEDxHousesofParliament

Charles Godfray is Hope Professor at Oxford University and Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In this talk he explores the challenge we face in feeding the earth’s growing population

Food security and choice, can we have both? Professor Charles Godfray at TEDxHousesofParliament Read More »

Waste Not Want Not: A Weapon For Food Security: Betty Bugusu at TEDxPurdueU

As population continues to grow, hunger has become a dire concern for billions of people around the world. Dr. Betty Bugusu presents an innovative, market-based approach to food security that also stimulates economic growth in developing countries. Dr. Bugusu also explains how individuals in developed countries play a vital role in solving this global crisis.

Waste Not Want Not: A Weapon For Food Security: Betty Bugusu at TEDxPurdueU Read More »

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